The Numbers
90,000 documents processed per annum
Transportation Industry
Based in Ireland


It’s one less thing for us to worry about. Knowing that Kefron has our dockets stored safely in their records centres means we can focus entirely on our company and its operations. Everything is much easier to access and manage now.”
Ibon Ibarrola Armendariz
Terminal Manager
CLH Aviation Ireland

We wanted an experienced Irish company to look after our documents, where we knew they would be kept secure and be well taken care of. We like that we can request the physical copy when necessary. When we need it, we know we can get it quickly”
CLH Aviation Ireland

Having our document management services managed externally allows us to focus on our plans to continue growing the company in Ireland and abroad.”
Ibon Ibarrola Armendariz
Terminal Manager
CLH Aviation Ireland
The fuel transportation sector is highly paper intensive. Managing the supply and delivery of fuel shipments at one of Europe’s busiest airports ensures that the volume of documentation that CLH Aviation Ireland deals with on a daily basis is significant.
CLH needed a strict turnaround and the ability to work with their IT systems in Spain and for the successful supplier to really appreciate the importance of getting the classification right as the contents were not only critical to the business processes but were also associated with high-value payments.

Combining workflow design capabilities, advanced capture technology, and in-house document handling and processing skills, Kefron could provide a complete end-to-end
document processing service for CLH.
Kefron converts supply and delivery documentation into a digital format, which would then be viewable by both the CLH team in Ireland and in Spain. Kefron uses OCR technology to facilitate word searches to find specific key phrases within that document. This means that Kefron can scan all the key information and index the data against specific classifications that CLH had outlined in their requirements.
Additionally, Kefron stores the physical copies of the documents off-site at one of Kefron’s three records management centres.

The main benefit is the peace of mind CLH now has, knowing that their key assets are being held securely. While CHL has instant access to their digital documents, should CLH ever require particular documents in hard copy, they know they can have the documents brought to their offices within 24 hours of making a request via the Kefron logistics team.
Storing the documents off-site has also freed up much-needed space in their offices, another huge advantage.

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