Full Auditability & Traceability
Save Time & Boost Productivity
Purpose Built Records Management Solution


Prior to Kefron, file retrieval was really complicated. Staff had to go through a hundred or two hundred files before they found what they wanted. It was hugely inefficient.”
Eddie Murphy
Executive Technician
Wicklow County Council

When the new system was introduced, staff noticed how easy it was to retrieve files. It makes life so much easier for everyone here. The barcode-based solution Kefron has implemented bears no comparison with the old ad-hoc system we used to use.”
Eddie Murphy
Executive Technician
Wicklow County Council

Having an audit trail has become essential. This is especially the case now – with money getting tight we have to account for everything we look for and we spend.”
Eddie Murphy
Executive Technician
Wicklow County Council
Poor filing practices had created great internal inefficiencies and left the Council exposed to legal action in cases where a file could not be found or its confidential contents were disclosed.
The Council conducted a detailed audit. One thing the audit uncovered was the large number of files that were stored in individual offices because of the problems associated with using the central filing system.

Kefron provided Wicklow County Council with an experienced onsite File Manager. The File Manager collects any documentation that needs to be stored, catalogues it and files it within the store room, as well as retrieving any file at the request of a Council’s employee. All files are barcoded to identify their contents which subsequently facilitates retrieval; the files are then scanned into a file management database.
As well as managing the Council’s files onsite, Kefron also houses a large number of historical files at its purpose-built and secure premises at Park West in Dublin.

The deployment of the new system meant that hundreds of boxes containing files could be removed from the desk areas and offices, freeing up substantial amount of space.
Kefron implemented a barcode-based tracking system that ensures complete visibility of all stored files and a security procedure around it to make sure files were fully traceable.
Where previously Council staff could waste hours trying to find files, now file retrieval is simpler than ever. The hassle and frustration associated with the old system have been eliminated, leaving staff free to focus on other, more productive tasks.

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