Measured Outcome

0 %

reduction in invoice processing time

0 %

reduction in duplicate invoice payments

0 %


The Numbers

12,000 homes

800 Employees

1,600 invoices per month



Wales & West Housing manage more than 12,000 high quality, affordable homes in 15 local authority areas across Wales. The finance team were struggling to meet their 30 day payment terms with suppliers, mainly due to archaic invoice process of physically moving invoices between offices to ensure they made it into the hands of authorisers. The lack of a centralised process meant that the housing association were lacked visibility across their invoice process and created a significant pain during audits.

Filling Cabinet - Automation


Kefron hosted an in-person workshop with Wales & West Housing to map requirements. A key consideration for implementation for Wales & West Housing was the need for 2 separate databanks; one for purchasing and one for maintenance, as well as integration with their existing finance solution Advanced OpenAccounts.

Today invoices are uploaded to the Kefron portal the same say their are received, providing instant visibility of all invoices across their 15 offices ready for approval. By going 100% paperless, each invoice is searchable, providing tiered user access to the team which reduces the need to send request directly to the finance team. Add to this, the eradication of the manual input of each invoice means that human error is no longer an issue, whilst vastly reducing the number of duplicate invoices. Audits are now pain free. Instead of searching for specific invoices in boxes which may have been damaged or ripped, auditors are now provided a guest log-in to the Kefron platform to search for specific invoices.


Office - Invoice Automation Charity


Kefron has driven down the number of duplicate payments made in error, enabling them to quickly spot and check potential problems. The latest audit of duplicates in the first 6 months of 2021 showed only 7 duplicate payments from over 10,000 invoices across Purchasing & Maintenance.

Given their charitable status, it was crucial that Kefron AP delivered in reducing the time it took to pay suppliers. The Wales & West Housing team saw a reduction in supplier payment times from 32 days to 17 days, a big win for their reputation.

Lets' Talk

WalesWestHousing-Denbighshire-5 Title deeds