The Numbers

1,488 employees

1,200 invoices per month

Unit4 ERP System

Essex Fire


AP Automation - Customer Journey


Aiming to stay at the forefront of advancements and maintain precise, proficient standards in public finance, ECFRS’s vibrant finance team yearned to upgrade their current scanning system. Mirroring the government’s initiative for digital transformation in public sector entities, ECFRS was on a quest to find a solution that fit their specifications.

The department needed a provider capable of flexibly accommodating increased volume, establishing an audit trail for seamless failure and exception detection, and offering enhanced scanning quality. Such improvements would eliminate the necessity for retaining hard copy records, ushering in a new era of digitized, efficient public finance.

Essex Fire

AP Automation Software

Kefron AP digitises invoices for ease of processing, approval and record keeping. The invoices are scanned, uploaded or emailed directly to the Kefron AP system and no matter how the invoice has been designed, they are processed within minutes of arriving.

All documents received by Kefron AP are securely stored within the system, meaning they can be searched for and accessed later by the team.

Netsuite PO Matching - AP Automation Kefron AP

Automated Invoice Process

The finance team has responded positively to a paper-free environment as it has helped improve the efficiency and time required to complete day-to-day tasks. Going paperless has also removed the need to store physical invoices, which has saved space in the office.

One key change for the finance team is that it now can retrieve and search for invoices much quicker, compared to its previous methods. This has meant that the time taken to resolve queries has improved significantly across the department and helped to improve the whole process.

Let's talk

Public Sector - AP Automation 4 Invoice Automation Solution